money jan - dec 2020
Money in £207K | Money out £188.4K | Surplus £18.6K
Some 80% of our income comes from regular giving
At the beginning of 2020, we budgeted a deficit of £26K to be met from our reserves. Through God’s care for us and the generosity of all those who so willingly gave to HTH, by the end of the year we had a surplus of nearly £19K. This is despite the very real impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on employment and income security.
Once again, we celebrate God’s extraordinary faithfulness to HTH and the sacrificial giving by the members of Holy Trinity Church Hurdsfield. Some 80% of our income comes from regular giving including the Gift-aided tax rebate we get back from the Government. You can see an analysis of our income and expenditure below. Fundraising for our Building for the Future project has been very successful, with almost all of the money raised resulting from our church family being extremely generous and being able to release some of our reserves (which are themselves a result of members' generosity in previous years). In 2020 we also received valuable grants from Cheshire East Council and the Allchurches Trust. We are now confident that we shall have sufficient funds to complete the project successfully in 2021. Please do ask me if you have any questions about the way in which we use the money with which God blesses us so richly. Pip, Treasurer